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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Socio-Techno Impact of Information Communicat...

Socio-Techno Impact of Information Communication Technology-A Case Study

Author Name : Er. A.S Kang, Er. Vishal Sharma

ABSTRACT  The need for Telecommunications and the need for higher capacity in networks is on rise around the world. For rural area households, the bottleneck for the capacity is often the first mile from subscriber to operator. i.e. access network. Broadband access networks require considerable investments. Before investment decision, different technological solutions must be compared and network needs to be planned and dimensioned for the demanded traffic. However, communication technology develops rapidly producing different opportunities and uncertainties’ in technologies and investment projects. The difficulty of forecasting the number of subscribers and other critical parameters affecting the value of network makes the investment decision a very hard task. This paper contributes to the methods for managing those uncertainties in broadband investment decisions. The economics of technologies evaluates the value and business opportunities of new commercial products. In telecommunications, techno-economics has been studied a few decades back, especially scenario based forecasting and cash flow calculations have been considered. Theoretical models for different parts of the broadband access techno-economics persist and the present paper deals with a critical review on the socio-techno impact of wireless communication technology as ICT in education technology.