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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Study of Global, National and Regional Evolut...

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Study of Global, National and Regional Evolut...

Study of Global, National and Regional Evolution of Agritourism

Author Name : Dr. S. G. Walke, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Mahavir M. Shetiya

ABSTRACT Agritourism is a relatively new phenomenon at least for India. This paper reviews the evolution of agritourism in select countries of the world, India and also at a regional level, that is, in the state of Maharashtra. With an introduction to the concept of agritourism, the article reviews evolution of agritourism in US, Australia, Europe, Italy, Sri Lanka. The evolution in India is reviewed thereafter. A focused review has been done with reference to the state of Maharashtra to gain a regional perspective. For the state of Maharashtra the article aimed at finding out if there is a disparity in the spread of agritourism. Results show that there is indeed a significant amount of disparity in the spread of agritourism within the state of Maharashtra. If there are districts having more than 100 agritourismcenters, there are districts with nocenters as well. This will be an interesting aspect to look into for further research.