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Study on Addition of Coconut Fibber & Coconut...

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Study on Addition of Coconut Fibber & Coconut...

Study on Addition of Coconut Fibber & Coconut Shell to SCC

Author Name : S. Kesava Reddy, Dr. T Suresh Babu, T. Bhanu Prakash


Self-Compacting Concrete is the new concept which is rebellion idea in the construction world that increases the usage of SCC all over the world. This SCC has more advantages when compared to traditional cement concrete in terms of giving high increment at productivity, reduction of labours and total expenses, gives good complete product having very good mechanical properties and durability of product.  Those fibers are glass, carbon and basalt fibers, hence individual volume fraction of these fibers are taken as 0.0%,0.1%,0.15%,0.2%,0.25% ,0.3%. The project is categorised into two parts. Initial part contained the preparation of M30 grade SCC mix design and secondary part has various fibers like Carbon, Glass and Basalt Fibers were added to mixes of SCC and their hardened and fresh properties were calculated.

Keywords: Fibers, Scc, Concrete, Strength of Ssc