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Study On the Skill Tests for Kho-Kho Game Pla...

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Study On the Skill Tests for Kho-Kho Game Pla...

Study On the Skill Tests for Kho-Kho Game Players in India

Author Name : Dr. Davender Singh Yadav, Dr. Satnam Singh

ABSTRACT One of the most well-known and played of all the traditional games in India is called Kho-Kho. The game was made lively and enjoyable to watch because to the use of dodging, fainting, and controlled running. Those who participate in the game experience the true delight of their efforts, while those who watch it feel the excitement and satisfaction of having enjoyed watching high-quality athletic competition. It is clear from looking at the development of measuring and assessment methods throughout history that there is no standardised test of ability for the game of kho-kho. As a result, the investigator came to the conclusion that talent tests for the game needed to be developed. These skill tests would assist trainers and coaches in the game in selecting participants in an objective manner for different levels of competition. The results of the present study led the researchers to the conclusion that the test of reaction ability is valid, reliable, and objective when used to evaluate the reaction ability of female kho-kho players. As a result, this test can be utilised to evaluate kho-kho players for a variety of purposes..