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Study & Recitation of Concrete by Using Ppc w...

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Study & Recitation of Concrete by Using Ppc w...

Study & Recitation of Concrete by Using Ppc with Partly Replenish Of Locally Available Ashes

Author Name : Injeti Chinna Babu, Dr. K. Rajasekhar, G. Vijay Kumar


Concrete is using in construction field enormously .so that the raw materials used for manufacturing of cement has to increase to meet demand . due to shortage of raw materials, a small idea developed on substitution or adding admixtures. this may use for mortar as well as concrete .in this process ashes that available in our surroundings that can mix as a ingredient in concrete.  As ppc already ingredient of slag we use ashes in some more percentage as partly  substitute to reduce raw materials consumption in construction arena.

Keyword: Ashes Admixtures, conventional concrete, compression test, performance, pozzolanic materials.