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Study The Problem Faced By The Migrant Constr...

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Study The Problem Faced By The Migrant Constr...

Study The Problem Faced By The Migrant Construction Workers In Mumbai City

Author Name : Mr. Manoj Bhaskar Nirbhavne


The broad idea of the paper is to analyze the socio-economic status of the migrant labour in urban India with special reference to Mumbai city. The paper examines if the migration of labour to an urban space has made any significant change in their living and working conditions, in particular labour market and human development related aspects. Employment opportunities are the most common reason due to which people migrate. Migrant labourers are now present in almost all sectors of Mumbai economy and their population is high in whole city. The positive and negative impact of migrant labourers in the construction industry in Mumbai as well as in its economy and society, as a whole, is analysed through this study on the basis of the research conducted in the Mumbai city specially with regards to construction industry. This paper analyses the problems faced by the  migrant workers in Mumbai city and also the positive and negative impact of migrant labourers, especially in the construction industry of Mumbai.

Continuous urbanization in Mumbai, like most other metropolitan cities, has contributed to the expansion of construction industry. Mumbai as a financial capital of the country and as result the urbanisation taking place at a rapid speed. In this urbanisation process the construction industry plays most important role. Most unskilled and semi-skilled labours get absorbed in this industry as it enters the city in search of livelihood. Rural to urban migration in search of better working and living conditions. Urbanisation processes have accentuated migration of labour across the world. Labour movement from rural to urban has continuously grown due to development in various sectors and infrastructural development in the urban areas

Keywords: GDP,Migrants, Construction workers,