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Surface Roughness Optimisation by ALO in CNC

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Surface Roughness Optimisation by ALO in CNC

Surface Roughness Optimisation by ALO in CNC

Author Name : Vinay Singh, Mr. Sanjeev

ABSTRACT: The machining of aluminum metal matrix composites in CNC high speedconditions is significant because such composites have diverseapplications in the aeronautics industry. Because that industry requires high quality outcomes, the prediction of surfaceroughness, whichdepends on input process parameters, assumes significance in the maintaining quality of products. This work discusses the reducing the surface roughness of jobs used on CNC milling machine. For this purpose optimization algorithms are a choice which gives optimal set of values of CNC machine parameters which affect the surface roughness during milling operation. Form the literature study it is revealed that latest work on this is done by using gravitational search algorithm (GSA) and is compared with TLBO, SA and GA (in order of their performance). The values of surface roughness obtained with these are quite good but there is always scope of improvement. To get the optimal sets of input parameters of CNC machine, an experimental work done in the paper by Pare V. is considered as a reference. Their experiment gives an allowable range of speed of cutting, depth of cut, feed and step over ratio in which optimal values of these can be searched out by our proposed optimization algorithm.