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Sustainable Development in 21st century: Gan...

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Sustainable Development in 21st century: Gan...

Sustainable Development in 21st century: Gandhian Approach

Author Name : Sudhansu Bhusan Sandha, Akshaya Kumar Sahu


In Gandhi words, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man greed’s”At present our relation with nature and other human beings has been commercialized. The ideology of materialism has been responsible for the present environmental crisis by promoting over exploitation of natural resources.The Gandhian philosophy can be an effective solution to all the problems of mankind whether social, political, economic or environmental. The vital cause of these problems is moral problem. So Gandhian philosophy aims at firming up the morals of the individuals. However, the economics which hurts the moral wellbeing of an individual or a nation is immoral and sinful. Hence adoption of Gandhian philosophy will surely pave the way towards the achievement of goal of sustainable development.   Gandhi showed the humanity that there are workable alternatives which will be creative and sustainable. He through his experiments in Ashram proved the use of alternative sources of energy, appropriate technology etc. He warned against a series of social and political turmoil, ecological devastations and other human miseries that might arise unless modern civilization takes care of nature and man tries to live in harmony with nature and tries to reduce his wants.

Key Words: Moral values, Sustainable development, Turmoil, EcologicalDevastation