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Synthesis of Nano Based Herbal Face Pack

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Synthesis of Nano Based Herbal Face Pack

Synthesis of Nano Based Herbal Face Pack

Author Name : Swathi sri, Radha Palaniswamy

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants are the “backbone” of traditional medicine. Natural remedies are more acceptable within the belief that they're safer with fewer side effects than the synthetic ones. Herbal formulations have growing demand in the world market towards the manufacture of cosmetics. Herbal face packs are wont to stimulate blood circulation, rejuvenate the muscles and help to take care of the elasticity of the skin and take away dirt from skin pores. It is a very good attempt to establish the herbal face pack containing different dry powders of plants. These herbal preparations do not cause any side effects on the internal or external parts of the skin. The present study aims on the preparation of a herbal face wash made of the following herbal contents - Senna auriculata (matura tea tree), Cucumissativus (cucumber), Citrus limon (lemon), Vitisvinifera (grapes), Musaceae(banana), Allium cepa(onion), Borassusflabellifer (palm), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Azadirachtaindica (neem), Ocimumbasilicumlinn (sweet basil). It is aimed to reduce the pimples, dark circle, winkles, acne, and black heads and to restore shine and glow of the skin. Phytochemical assay was carried out to determine the different phytochemicals present followed by antioxidant assay to determine free radical scavenging property and vitamin C levels of the plants. The antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas, Shigella was determined. The herbal face wash pack was evaluated for homogeneity, wash ability, spread ability and pH. The face wash pack needs further optimization studies to understand the benefits on human use as cosmetic product.