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The Contribution of Malviya about Indian Poli...

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The Contribution of Malviya about Indian Poli...

The Contribution of Malviya about Indian Political System

Author Name : Dr. Vinod Kumar Mishra

At the request of the Editor of the “Indian Review” Pandit Malaviya contributed the following to the Symposium on the Reform Proposals published in the December Number of 1908 The people and the Government have both to be congratulated on the proposals of reform which have been put forward by the Government of India and the Secretary of State-. The reforms have been conceived in a truly liberal and praiseworthy spirit. They will, when carried out, mark the beginning of a new era, full of hope and promise for the future.

His Excellency the Viceroy and Lard Morley are entitled to our lasting gratitude for the statesmanlike wisdom and courage which they have shown in formulating these proposals. They are also entitled to our gratitude for having published the proposals to give the public a full opportunity of expressing their opinions regarding them and making further suggestions. I have hopes that the reforms will be made still more liberal and beneficial before they take their final shape.

The Government are to be particularly congratulated upon deciding to create a non-official majority in the Provincial Councils. I venture to say that they should have adopted the same course in regard to the supreme council. it would be quite safe and wise to do so. If, however, that must be postponed for the future, then the proposals of His Excellency the Viceroy to have an equal number of official and non-official members in his Council should at least be accepted.

The proposed reforms mark the second great triumph of the congress movement the first having been the passing of the Indian Councila Act of 1892.