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The Effect of “Total Quality Management (TQ...

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The Effect of “Total Quality Management (TQ...

The Effect of “Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices” And “Work-Life Balance” Towards “Job Satisfaction”: A Study on Small - Medium Enterprises (SME) In Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

Author Name : Rajib Sarkar


In the past few decades, there are many studies about Total Quality Management (TQM) and work-life balance. Total Quality Management (TQM) and work-life balance is very critical for business sustainability of SMEs as this is related to Human Resource Management (HRM). Human resources have been a critical factor to contribute to the success of a business. High performing organisations not only need improvement on the services and products but also need the improvement on handling human resources and handling process flow in this competitive business environment nowadays. The purpose of this thesis research study is to understand how TQM practices: employee training, teamwork, employee rewards and recognition, management leadership, employee empowerment and work-life balance towards employees’ job satisfaction  at SMEs within Andhra Pradesh, India . The quantitative survey has been carried out and a total of 200 usable responses were collected. It can be concluded that employee training, employee rewards and recognition, employee empowerment and work-life balance plays an important role that will lead to employees’ job satisfaction and turnoverintention.

Key words: Total Quality Management Practices, Job Satisfaction, Work-Life Balance.