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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Importance of Internet of Things (IOT) in...

The Importance of Internet of Things (IOT) in Higher Education of Physics during COVID Total Lockdown

Author Name : Sangeeta A. Nirmal


In the last two years, technology has made much of animpact on learning in many ways.The internet of things confirmed the important position in the content of information and communication technologies and the development of society. During COVID,the Internet of things became the backbone of most institutions, where learning and teaching became successful. This study aims to find out the potential of IoT in higher education during COVID-19.The efforts are necessary for releasing the full potential of IoT systems and technologies. Therefore a study about the impact of IoT on higher education especially in colleges and universities as well as the future of IoT and challenges faced by academicians, staff, and students has been discussed.

KEYWORDS: COVID, Education, IoT, Technology.