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The Irrepressible Tiktok Use in Pandemic, Its...

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The Irrepressible Tiktok Use in Pandemic, Its...

The Irrepressible Tiktok Use in Pandemic, Its Underpinning Link with Emotional Expressivity and Social Connectedness

Author Name : Mrs. Abirami M, Mr. Elanchezhiyan B, Mr. Mothi R, Dr. Aruna

ABSTRACT Background: In the current year 2020, TikTok has become one of the world’s best-loved apps.[1]TikTok is a video social platform, moreover ―a celebration in pandemic‖.[2]Due to the nationwide lockdown in India, the adolescent population turned to social media, mainly to have fun, interact, connect, communicate and to gain information. There is a clear connection between emotional expressivity and connectedness. From this perspective, the researcher aimed to find out the relationship between emotional expressivity and social connectedness, its extent among TikTok users.