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The performance of short dental implants reac...

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The performance of short dental implants reac...

The performance of short dental implants reaching a new height of precision

Author Name : Dr. Neelam Das


The choice of implant length is an essential factor in deciding the survival rates of these implants and the overall success of the prosthesis. Placing an implant in the posterior part of the maxilla and mandible has always been very critical due to poor bone quality and quantity. Long implants can be placed in association with complex surgical procedures such as sinus lift and bone augmentation.  Hence, there is need for a less invasive treatment option in areas of poor bone quantity and quality. So, SHORT implant is becoming a pioneer in implant dentistry. With improvement in the implant surface geometry and surface texture, there is an increase in the bone implant contact area which provides a good primary stability during osseo-integration. SHORT implants can be considered as an effective treatment alternative in resorbed ridges. The present article reviews the current literature on the use of SHORT implants and discusses its biomechanical considerations.

Keywords: Implant length, poor bone quality, short implants