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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Power of Nature and Emotion in Toru Duttâ...

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The Power of Nature and Emotion in Toru Duttâ...

The Power of Nature and Emotion in Toru Dutt‟s Our Causuarina Tree

Author Name : Dr. Manappa Krishna Honakamble

ABSTRACT This paper describes poet’s memories and feelings connected with a Casuarina tree from her childhood home. The poems reveals about eternal friendships and vanished childhood. It is a physical thing and a psychosomatic individual of the poet's mind. Toru Dutt has conveyed the ideas of natural history as great that contribute to feelings with creature. She rejoices her evocative remembrance of childhood in India with her beautiful siblings. The tree appears to represent the authenticity, the influence and the unending value of her memories. The tree, which once stood proud and enthusiastic, it is at present devoid of life, with only its strong trunk enduring.