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The Role and Importance of Emotional intellig...

The Role and Importance of Emotional intelligence In Knowledge Management

Author Name : MANESH

ABSTRACT Knowledge management is the main component of knowledge-based society. Learning organizations are aware of the potential that lies in human resources, and are prone to developing new concepts of leadership, where hierarchy and pyramid structured decision making no longer play the main role. The new concept is built on partnership between professionals from different sectors of the organization. Partnership alliances depend on quality of human relations. We suggest that emotional intelligence enhanced with new concepts of leadership increases generating and transfer of knowledge. The study has a qualitative approach taken through interviews that were conducted with top management in order to investigate the role of emotional intelligence and its impact on management in correlation with sharing knowledge. The findings confirmed our two hypotheses, since research has shown how the leadership strategy reflects on input of employees, and the way resulting in stimulation or discouragement of the transfer of knowledge in the organization.