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The Role of Particle Swarm Optimization Algor...

The Role of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm by using Matlab in Weight Optimization of Composite Drive Shaft for Automotive Applications

Author Name : Lohith Kumar P, Shobha B S


In this work Particle Swarm Algorithm is used for the optimization of composite driveshaft using MATLAB . mathematical formulation is coded in MATLAB to optimize the stacking sequence of the plies with an objective of minimization of weight of the driveshaft by considering the Toque transmission capacity ,Torsional buckling strength and Natural bending strength as design constraints and number of plies, stacking sequence and thickness of ply as design variables .We have developed design procedure for composite driveshaft and later coupled with PSO algorithm. Our objective function is ‘single objective’ i.e. weight reduction of composite drive shaft. We have evaluated the PSO performance by varying the parameters of it and the optimization results are compared with the results of GA.