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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Role of Randomness and Trauma in Shaping ...

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The Role of Randomness and Trauma in Shaping ...

The Role of Randomness and Trauma in Shaping Emotional Isolation and Social Bonds

Author Name : Jebalda Praislin C, Vishali S

ABSTRACT This study explores how elements of randomness and trauma drive the novel’s narrative and influence the protagonist Theo Decker’s emotional isolation and social bonds, as reflected in American literature. The events in the novel determine the course of Theo’s life, including his expansive coming-of-age journey and his exploration of social relationships. The Goldfinch focuses on how unpredictable events and deep-seated trauma, such as the death of Theo’s mother and his subsequent turbulent experiences, foster a profound sense of isolation. This emotional detachment is compounded by the randomness of fate, including Theo’s chance encounter with the Goldfinch painting and the serendipitous, often detrimental events that follow. These elements create a complex web of isolation and connection in Theo’s life, which is explored through trauma theory. This theory illustrates how such events disrupt his psychological equilibrium and influence his behavior and relationships. The paper argues that one of the most provocative aspects of this literary work is the complex and sometimes contentious relationships between the main characters, and it concludes that the role of art is invaluable in human life.