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The Story of the Beginnings in Judo

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The Story of the Beginnings in Judo

The Story of the Beginnings in Judo

Author Name : Dr. Ranjan Chakravarty

Jitsu was a ,,Japanese martial art that has been adopted is a medal-winning sport across all corners of the globe. Judo was founded ,,in 1882 by mixing jujitsu a style of tight fighting, with physical and mental aspects. Sumo,, is where jujutsu gets its roots. Sumo's has been around for centuries and can be found in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters,,) to 712, that outlines the course of Japan's history dating back to the fabled golden,, age of the gods all the way to the reign of Empress Suiko, also known as Sumo (554-628),,, and the Nihon, or Shoki (Chronicle for the nation of Japan), a book from ,,720 that describes Japan's history to the fabled ages for the divine for a rule of The,, Empress Suiko (554-628).