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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The value of an library Policy

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The value of an library Policy

The value of an library Policy

Author Name : Mrs. Haseena Begum

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the actual situation of the Library Policy on the Library and Information System and Services in India. It represents how library was established, what are the steps has been taken by the Government of India for the holistic development of Library time to time from different platform Policies are rules set by the Library Board of Trustees which govern day-to-day operations of the library, and keep the library in compliance with rules and laws. Policy making is one of the most important functions of a library board of trustees. Proposing policy and assisting the board with the development of policy is one of the most important functions of the director. Policies are general statements governing library operations, rules, and use. Policies should be flexible rather than overly rigid Policies should be reviewed regularly.