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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Yaithibis: Navigating Identity, Challenge...

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The Yaithibis: Navigating Identity, Challenge...

The Yaithibis: Navigating Identity, Challenges, and Aspirations in Manipur

Author Name : Ms. Nirupama Seram, Dr. Atom Sunil Singh



ABSTRACT This article explores the nuanced history and contemporary dynamics of the Yaithibis, a sub-group within the Meitei community in Manipur, India. Focusing on their origins, identity concealment, and challenges stemming from historical stigmatization, the study delves into demographic trends, socio-cultural practices, and economic dynamics. The Yaithibis' resilience and adaptation are evident in their culinary and matrimonial traditions, religious evolution, and engagement in community life. The article highlights transformative events, such as a purification ritual, enabling the Yaithibis to integrate into broader society. While acknowledging the positive impact of Christianity on education, it also examines the internal divisions it introduced. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the Yaithibis' complex journey, emphasizing the interplay of historical, social, and cultural factors.