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Theft Detection System for Smart Electric Veh...

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Theft Detection System for Smart Electric Veh...

Theft Detection System for Smart Electric Vehicles Using AI Techniques

Author Name : Shahid Ali S, Sameer Pasha J, Shravani B S, Shwetha M, Dr. Mouleeswaran Sk


The procedure of locating the stolen electric vehicle was challenging due to the lack of information on its whereabouts and the lengthy initial inquiry period. An additional gadget that can provide location data and identify theft attempts is required on the car to aid the search process. To address these objectives, our research created a gadget that is mounted on a vehicle and can broadcast the location and identify attempts by thieves to start the engine. This project is primarily focused on how we can prevent unauthorized access to electric vehicles, and our major goal is to achieve the same utilizing AI techniques, which include both new and old ideas applied in software applications and existing hardware usage methods.