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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Topical Emulgel: An Overview

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Topical Emulgel: An Overview

Topical Emulgel: An Overview

Author Name : Mugeswaran K, Raja Sekharan T



ABSTRACT Topical products come in a variety of formulations, from liquids to powders, with semisolid preparations being the most common. In comparison to other semisolid preparations, the use of gels has emerged in dermatology and cosmetology. Despite the numerous benefits of gels, limitation for hydrophobic drug moiety delivery. Because the emulgel technique uses both oil and an aqueous gel base, it can be used for hydrophobic drugs. The emulgel technique is also useful for extending the product line of a drug that is available in ointment and cream formulations. Emulgel can also provide local concentrations of drug in the affected area, making it more effective in curative aspects and allowing for deeper drug permeation than regular gel. Emulgels are thermodynamically stable systems with several characteristics, including enhanced permeability; prolonged drug release; stability of the emulsion; and good thermodynamic stability. This review provides information on emulgel formulation, benefits, characterization, and recent advances in the research field.