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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Tourism in Rohtak District with Special Refer...

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Tourism in Rohtak District with Special Refer...

Tourism in Rohtak District with Special Reference to Historical Buildings

Author Name : Aman Siwach


Tourism has evolved a lot over the years in the Rohtak district of Haryana .Tourism has major economic significance for Rohtak.The availability of historical monuments in the Rohtak district played a vital for the advancement of tourism in this area .  Tourism growth hasno doubt produced many positive results in the district but its unplanned and uncontrolled growth hasserious implication for the society and environment. Environmental pollution and destruction of natural resources-some of the major environmental concerns affected by tourism. The paper emphasized on the role of historical monuments in the advancement of tourism. Themethodology used under the study is exploratory in nature and data which incorporates are based onsecondary data.

 Keywords: Tourism, Rohtak, historical monuments, environmental pollution, economy, methodology.