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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Transformation of Resource-Poor Region into R...

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Transformation of Resource-Poor Region into R...

Transformation of Resource-Poor Region into Resource-Rich Region through Participatory Approach

Author Name : Dr. Priya Rajesh Parkar


Ralegan Siddhi villagefrom Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state is located in the rain-shadow zone of Maharashtra state and represents typical drought prone villages of India. Geographical location of the village made it resource poor. Further, vulnerable local community over-exploited the degraded resources and became victim of poverty related social evils. This paper reveals the process of transformation of resource-poor Ralegan Siddhi village into resource-rich village through participatory approach adopted for integrated micro watershed management.  It also explores the significance of self-help, self-discipline, transparent and democratic process of reconstruction of natural capital (water and Soil) through behavioral change, decentralization of power and sustainability.

The story of the Ralegan Siddhi even after fifty years has remained inspiring as it had become role model for self-sufficiency prosperity andsustainable development.

Keywords: Ralegan Siddhi, rain-shadow zone, participatory approach, sustainability