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Transgender Discrimination in Indian Society:...

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Transgender Discrimination in Indian Society:...

Transgender Discrimination in Indian Society: A Sociological Analysis

Author Name : Dr. Naziya Bano


Violence and prejudice against women have long-standing roots in India, and issues of violence and discrimination towards transgender individuals are of great significance as well. Transgender individuals are those who identify with a gender different from the sex assigned at birth. In essence, their gender expression or identity does not align with their biological sex, leading to higher levels of inequality and maltreatment than experienced by other genders. This is largely because the transgender community has been among the most overlooked, disadvantaged, and marginalized in Indian society. The landmark NALSA (National Legal Services Authority) ruling brought a sense of jubilation and satisfaction to the transgender community. Although the ruling didn't entirely fulfill expectations, it raised hopes that societal attitudes toward this community would improve for the better. However, despite this ruling, prejudices remain pervasive, with transgender individuals still struggling for acceptance as these judgments have not been effectively implemented. This research paper seeks to explore several facets of prejudice faced by this third gender group. In addition, the study will examine the current state of transgenderism and highlight how the NALSA verdict has brought about changes to the community's circumstances. Moreover, it will delve into various government-implemented laws and initiatives that aim to promote progress and advancement among third gender individuals. By examining all these aspects, this research paper will provide a thorough analysis of violence and discrimination against transgender people in India. The paper will also emphasize the need for continued progress in order to bring an end to discrimination against this marginalized group in society.

Keywords: Violence, Discrimination, Gender Identity, Transgender