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Web 3.0 Social Media Application Twitter Usin...

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Web 3.0 Social Media Application Twitter Usin...

Web 3.0 Social Media Application Twitter Using Block Chain

Author Name : Mrs. Chandana C, Sumit Nayak, Bhagavati B Shivapuji


Social media is a popular communication tool that is frequently used to influence or modify people's political ideas. The block chain is a revolutionary piece of technology that has provided new avenues for resolving a wide range of problems in distributed environments. In this project, we have created architecture for storing and accessing data on Twitter using blockchain technology, which removes the need for a central repository. We have utilized tools such as Ganache, Metamask, Truffle, and Ethereum IDE to deploy the contracts on the public blockchain. The system stores file metadata on the blockchain, while peer-to-peer networks facilitate transactions between users.Decentralized storage, distributed processing, and effective lookup capabilities will be made possible.

Keywords— Public Block Chain, Private Block Chain, Consortium Block Chain, Distributed Ledger Technology, Decentralized System, Non-Fungible Tokens, Peer-To-Peer Networks.