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Women Participation in Politics

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Women Participation in Politics

Women Participation in Politics

Author Name : Ravi Kumar Mishra

ABSTRACT Women around the world at every socio-political level find the mselves under-represented in parliament and far removed from decision-making levels. While the political playing field in each country has its own particular characteristics, one feature remains common to all: it is uneven and not conducive to women's participation. Throughout the world women face obstacles to their participation in politics. These barriers are to be found in prevailing social and economic regimes, as well as in existing political structures. In the Indian context, and particularly for women, the public career of a person depends a great deal on her family background. Most women themselves are also unwilling to engage in the type of activities which seem necessary for election to public office. Their proportion in the Parliament as well as State Legislatures and other top political hierarchies is not very significant. Their participation in politics as voters, candidates, campaigners and office-holders in political parties, on an equal footing with men, still remains a dream.
Keywords: Political empowerment, women India, Participation in Politics