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Women Safety Jacket

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Women Safety Jacket

Women Safety Jacket

Author Name : Akshay R, N K Sachin, Prasanna K R, Chithra M N, Prof. Rohith M N

ABSTRACT This Project depicts about a dedicated security framework for women. Women everywhere throughout the world are confronting a lot of dishonest physical provocation. This gets a quick pace because of absence of a reasonable reconnaissance framework. Our motivation is a dare to determine this issue. We are utilizing two articles pullover coat and Ring that are utilized in everyday life. The framework takes after a camera on the coat consolidated with a catch as an info which when actuates shows the outcome and with the assistance of shouting sensors the framework gets enacted. Electrical stun circuit are forced for self-protection reason and camera film and area subtleties to the crisis contacts. Electric stun and live picture is caught utilizing camera is fused in the coat that go about as a weapon of the shrewd innovation. We truly accept that this undertaking will have any kind of effect in the women life