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Conceptual Study on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

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Conceptual Study on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Conceptual Study on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Author Name : Dr. Kalyani Mitalkumar Mahajan, Dr Trupti K. Gawande, Dr. Manda Sanjog Ghorpade


Clinically recognized pregnancy loss is common, occurring in approximately 15–25% of pregnancies. The majority of sporadic losses before 10 weeks’ gestation result from random numeric chromosome errors, specifically, trisomy, monosomy, and polyploidy. The majority of miscarriages are sporadic and are thought to result from genetic causes that are greatly influenced by maternal age.  Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined by two or more failed clinical pregnancies.  Up to 50% of cases of RPL will not have a clearly defined aetiology. A balanced translocation or Robertsonian translocation in one of the partners leads to unviable foetuses that are miscarried. This explains why a karyogamic is often performed in both partners if a woman has experienced repeated miscarriages. Aneuploidy may be a cause of a random spontaneous as well as recurrent pregnancy loss. Aneuploidy is more common with advanced reproductive age reflecting decreased germ cell quality

Keywords- recurrent pregnancy loss, recurrent miscarriage, assessment, management