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Green Banking In India: A Theoretical Perspec...

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Green Banking In India: A Theoretical Perspec...

Green Banking In India: A Theoretical Perspective

Author Name : Prof. Rekha Mahajan, Prof. Mamta Arora

ABSTRACT Society is faced with the most challenging climate change problems. People are more familiar with global warming today and its inherent impact on human life. Change is therefore the need of the hour for survival and constant efforts should be made in a sustainable manner for environmental management. It is not only the government and the direct polluters who are concerned, but also other stakeholders, such as financial institutions, such as banks, that play a key role in the development of society. Banking activities are not physically connected to the environment, but their customer activities have a significant external impact. Therefore, in their activities, buildings, investments and funding strategies, banks need to follow green strategies. The aim of this paper is to highlight the RBI's green rating criteria, the World Bank's environmental and social standards, the steps taken by India's public and private sector banks to adopt green banking practices, and to include important green banking adoption strategies.