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A Review: Low power and High Speed CNTFET bas...

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A Review: Low power and High Speed CNTFET bas...

A Review: Low power and High Speed CNTFET based SRAM Cell for Data Centers

Author Name : Ranjeet Singh Chauhan, Rajesh Mehra

ABSTRACT In present scenario cloud computing and virtual data centers become an integral part of day to day life. As the number of internet users increases exponentially and online streaming increasesdrastically in recent years the need of virtual data centers increases. These virtual data centers consist of processors, memory (i.e. Static Random Access Memory), RAM (Random Access Memory) and power supply. The power consumed by these data centers is almost 1.5% to 2% of total electricity consumptions which is huge amount. To reduce this power consumption, area requirement and increase speed of virtual data centers it is necessary to further scale the CMOS circuit. In this paper existing work is reviewed and seen that the various other devices like FINFET, TFET and CNTFET are tried by the researchers but CNTFET gives the better gate control and low leakage current. So, various model of Carbone Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) are reviewed for the application of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) which is used for Virtual data center in Cloud Computing. Different Model are explained and discussed for the better speed, and to reduce power and area requirement.