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A Study on Customer Satisfaction, Perception ...

A Study on Customer Satisfaction, Perception and Brand Loyalty towards Outfits among College Going Students in Coimbatore City

Author Name : Dr. K. Prince Paul Antony, Ganesh Aravend V


The current study works closely with consumer preferences regarding branded fabrics and determines which types of fabrics are most popular with respondents in the city of Coimbatore. As this competitive era, from a business perspective, we need to know about customer needs and wants and what the customer expects from the company. We need to have this information or customer database if we want to stay in the market and improve the competitiveness of the market. After doing this research we should be able to understand what customers want in a product, why they are switching to a different type of product, what factors force them to buy branded clothing. By analyzing this, the company can design strategies according to the needs of the customers and deliver the products the customer wants in the company, which will be beneficial to the company. The relationship between consumer decision-making styles and their choice between branded and non-branded clothing is investigated using a sample of Coimbatore city consumers. The purpose of our study was to investigate the youth of Coimbatore to see if there was any control in their behavior in buying clothes. In addition, consumer traits (i.e., clothing involvement, product information, reference group, social class, etc.) and personal characteristics are investigated in relation to teen shopping behavior.