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A Study on Students Behaviour towards Gaming ...

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A Study on Students Behaviour towards Gaming ...

A Study on Students Behaviour towards Gaming Cafes with Special Reference to Coimbatore City

Author Name : Prince Paul Antony, Venkatesh. K


In this modern era, technology plays an important role in every walk of human life. People are using the latest technologies for information and entertainment which are providing wide ranges of benefits to the human community. For infotainment people are depending on social media and online gaming in advanced models. In this virtual world online gaming touches its highest level. Online game is a video game that is played with the help of the internet or any other computer network available. Some people consider online gaming as a mode of entertainment. In this generation the development of the mobile industry and network industry has helped in the growth of the online gaming industry. Online Gaming is also used as a tool to escape from stress in life.So, our study is done to check whether there is any impact of online gaming and its addiction among youth.