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A Study on the Relationship between Internet Sex Addiction and Sleep Quality among Youth in India

Author Name : Akshita, Ramneet Kaur Narula


This fast developing world made internet an important part of every individuals life, there is seem to increase in internet use every passing year across the world. People have started spending more time online than they usually used to do. Most of the things can be done using an mobile application, making people’s lives easy, people can now easily work or study on their mobile phones or laptops in any corner of the world, this is making everyone closer to the benefit of internet but also with its drawbacks. This exposure to internet makes huge amount of population vulnerable to cybersex activities. The Internet has grown as a medium through which people can engage in sexual behaviour. This includes the consumption of pornography, sexual messaging, exchange of sexual content in chats, etc. The internet provides easy access, it is affordable and maintains the anonymity of an individual. Because of the widespread resources of sexually related material available online, Internet sex addiction is one of the most common and major problems for online users. So, to investigate the effect of internet sex addiction on the youth, this study aimed to evaluate the internet sex addiction and its intercorrelation with sleep quality of Indian Youth. For the research purpose, we sampled Indian youth. The Internet Sex addiction and sleep quality in these subjects were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and The Internet Sex Addiction Test (ISST) respectively. A total of 189 responses were derived after filtering irrelevant responses from the corrected data. From the selected sample results were obtained using Pearson’s Correlation, Spearman’s Correlation and Linear Regression, using IBM SPSS Statistics Software. From the result, it was proved that there was significant relationship between SQ and ISA. Hence, it is wise to conclude that internet sex addiction have an impact on sleep quality of youth.

Keywords: Internet, Cybersex, Internet Sex Addiction, Sleep Quality, Youth.