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Consistency of Plane Symmetric Models in Modi...

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Consistency of Plane Symmetric Models in Modi...

Consistency of Plane Symmetric Models in Modified Gravitational Theory

Author Name : Prabha S. Rastogi, Suchita A. Mohta


To understand the late time acceleration of the universe, the Modified Gravitational Theories received more attention lately. Essentially its view point is modifies the geometric components. Among the various extension to the theory of gravity, the higher order curvature invariant are specially included, specifically the class of f(R,T) theories have received many acknowledgments. The motive of this work is to explore the study of Plane Symmetric Cosmological Model in modified theory of gravitation f(R,T) with perfect fluid. Discuss about its consistency, by solving the field equation off (R,T) with specific choice of function.  The solution are obtain for two different aspects of the volumetric expansions, Power law and an exponential expansion and discuss about its constrains. Here we also calculate the value of shear scalar Exponential scalar  anisotropic parameter , Hubble Parameter (H), Deceleration Parameter (q).  For exponential expansion it isobserved that energy density and pressure are positive for a specific constant and energy density is decreasing function of time. So it is behave like steady model of the universe at large time. Whereas for power law expansion, energy density and pressure are also positive for a specific constant. Where the energy density is decreasing function of time, and as time increase it tends to zero. As the value of  is positive, the model is stable.

Keywords: Consistency, Perfect Fluid, Plane Symmetry space time, f(R,T) Gravity, Stability.