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Digital Therapies in the Clinic

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Digital Therapies in the Clinic

Digital Therapies in the Clinic

Author Name : Harshada Radhakisan Takate, Mrs. Sangita Bhandare


A new class of therapeutic treatments is beginning to emerge: digital therapies. Digital treatments, as opposed to conventional therapies, use clinically validated, evidence-based software to provide interventions directly to patients in order to treat, manage, or prevent diseases. Digital therapies can take many different forms, including video games, virtual reality, web-based apps, and mobile apps for smart devices. Digital therapeutics, a separate product category awaiting FDA clearance, can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional therapies to increase efficacy and/or adherence. Here, we examine the state of digital treatments in clinical practise. We provide an overview of FDA-approved drugs, their clinical applications, and the obstacles to their clinical translation, along with solutions.