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Food Colorant from Anthocyanins of Brassica O...

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Food Colorant from Anthocyanins of Brassica O...

Food Colorant from Anthocyanins of Brassica Oleraceavar. Capitata F. Rubra

Author Name : Mohana Priya M, Chidambararajan P


Colors are the key component to enhance the appetizing value and consumer acceptance towards foods and beverages. Natural food colors act as a promising alternative for synthetic food colors. The present study deals with the use of natural anthocyanin obtained from Brassica oleracea(Red cabbage) as a food color.Two different solvents such as distilled water and 70% ethanol acidified with 0.1N HCl were used. The anthocyanin present in the extract was confirmed by acid and alkali method. The total anthocyanin content was calculated and it was found to be 81.8mg/L in aqueous extract and 88.5mg/L in ethanol extract. The anthocyanin present in the extract possesses good antioxidant activity by inhibiting the DPPH free radical. The anthocyanins were stable at 60℃ and they are stable at acidic pH ranging from 1-4 and stable toboth light and dark conditions. TLC was performed and the retention factor of the anthocyanin for water extract is 0.34 whereas for ethanol extract is 0.36. The anthocyanin is obtained from a natural source and it also possesses a stable temperature, pH and light conditions as that of a food color. Hence this natural anthocyanin is proved to be promising alternative for synthetic food color.

Keywords: food colors, alternative, anthocyanin, antioxidant activity, stability.