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Investigation of Impact Modeling on Rigid Bod...

Investigation of Impact Modeling on Rigid Body using Multi Bond Graph

Author Name : Sachin, Amit Budhiraja,

The deformation effect of soft material of robotic fingertips is a useful feature in general robotic application. Moreover, soft material contact mechanics plays an important role in grasping stability as well as safe object handling during manipulation. The estimation of grasping forces requires knowledge of contact characteristics, including relationship between normal force and contact area, and pressure distribution profile at the finger-object interface. The development of forces and moments at the contact interface due to the change in the contact area also needs to be analyzed. A bond graph model is developed to study the dynamics of soft contact interaction between a rigid sphere and a soft material. The model is applicable for all geometries. Sphere of different weights are thrown on the soft material and corresponding deformation of the soft material are obtained. The soft material is discritized into a number of elements with T nodes with the help of finite element method. Also mass and stiffness on each node is determined. The model determines contact area and distribution of forces over the contact nodes. Mathematical model is developed by Bond Graph approach from which the system equations are derived. MATLAB code is generated algorithmically from the bond graph. System equations are solved using one of the ordinary differential equation solvers available in MATLAB. The model is verified through simulation.