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Non-cooperative Games with Tripoly Strategies

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Non-cooperative Games with Tripoly Strategies

Non-cooperative Games with Tripoly Strategies

Author Name : Mehetaj Parvine, Abdullah Al Mamun, Sharmin Akter Shima, Munnujahan Ara*

ABSTRACT:  We study a simple food restaurants’ gaming behavior with tripoly strategic interaction. We have applied this interaction game with three restaurants which are selected randomly and they are totally non-cooperative. So, a three person non-cooperative game is used for analysis of strategic interaction in the restaurant market. We have defined different strategies of different players. Here strategies are defined on based of players retaining, decreasing and increasing prices. Players’ payoffs are determined during the application of the model at different combinations of strategies. We collected primary data from the three players, comparing the relation between them from tabulating data and calculate payoff. As the selection of the sample is very important in the process, we should pay special attention on it. In this work we find out an interesting final remark with estimated payoff of each player who compete each other and also obtained an overall concept of our game by constructing a game tree for a three persons’ noncooperative game. It needs to mention that the estimation of players payoffs are made mostly, because payoffs cannot b0e determined exactly by players. The interaction model which we have considered in our paper can be beneficial to 3 make pricing decision for all three market players.