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Plugging of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using...

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Plugging of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using...

Plugging of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Svpwm Based Inverter Fed Injected Rotor Voltages

Author Name : A. Archana, N. Nireekshan, K. Pullareddy


A novel technique for plugging of three-phase induction motor drive system is developed. The braking strategy is based on injection of an AC voltage to the rotor winding of three phase wound rotor induction motor from three-phase SVPWM inverter during braking. The injected voltage must have the same frequency, same phase shift and opposite in direction to the rotor induced voltage. The purpose of this method is to reduce the rotor and stator high currents during plugging (reverse current braking) to an acceptable value. This paper proposes the models of the conventional braking methods and the novel braking strategy are developed using Matlab/Simulink software and comparison of braking times for same rotor and stator currents is done.

Keywords:  Conventional braking methods, SVPWM, MATLAB-simulation