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The Classroom of Tomorrow

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The Classroom of Tomorrow

The Classroom of Tomorrow

Author Name : K Rohith Rathod, J Akshay, M Rakesh





One of the main objectives of the project is to create an embedded module that is specifically designed for use in educational institutions. Because of the way this module is built, jobs can be automatically executed based on sensor inputs. The adoption of technology in the field of education has significantly altered the way we approach teaching and learning. Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) has developed into a powerful tool for enhancing learning environments. This project aims to look at how the Internet of Things may be utilised to develop a unique learning environment using four automation modules. These modules feature Bluetooth-enabled fingerprint attendance, projector on lead window closing and the reverse, temperature-based fan control, and seating order via Bluetooth and LCD. Since each of these modules is powered by an Arduino Uno board, integrating them into current  an educational infrastructure is simple. These modules can aid in establishing a more stimulating and effective learning environment by automating repetitive chores and providing greater control over the classroom setting.

Keywords-Arduino Uno, Bluetooth, Embedded system, Fingerprint Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Window Automation,