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The Study of Employee’s Satisfaction Level ...

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The Study of Employee’s Satisfaction Level ...

The Study of Employee’s Satisfaction Level towards Welfare Facilities Provided by the Company

Author Name : Aneeta Joshi


Welfare measures are inevitable to any organization where workers are involved. Motivated and satisfied employees can help to make the organization competitively more value added and profitable. Employees are the biggest assets in any organization. These assets must be properly nurtured and their efforts have to be harnessed so as to obtain maximum productivity. Welfare measures are important aspects in their regard. Motivated and satisfied employees can help to make the organization competitively more value added and profitable. The study is an attempt to find out the satisfaction level of employees at Ashok Leyland Limited. A self- structured questionnaire has been used to gather the data. It was found that employees are generally satisfied towards training, counseling, and recreational welfare schemes irrespective of their gender, age, education and level of hierarchy. However, the satisfaction level decreases from highly educated and top hierarchy level employees to bottom and less educated employees.

Keywords;  welfare schemes, satisfaction, motivational level, recreation.