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Transport Policy –A New Horizon in Road Saf...

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Transport Policy –A New Horizon in Road Saf...

Transport Policy –A New Horizon in Road Safety Management and Public Transport Quality by Implementing Socio-Economic Benefits by Suing Scientific Technical Advancement

Author Name : Dr. Sumanta Bhattacharya, Bhavneet Kaur Sachdev


As the population increases demand for public transport also increases which his found mostly in urban areas. Transportation play a key role in the development of Indian economy , it has made foreign trade policy easier , construction of national highways to connect different states via roads , India has the second largest road system and also experiences the highest number of accidents in India, India is fast developing country  with the aim of making India a smart country we see a rise in the construction of metro in my states , while in 13 states metro are running and rest are under construction .Poor quality roads, unhygienic railway facilities , insufficient booking system in railways demand for new policies which can resolve the problems of Indian Transportation system by construction separate lanes for public and private vehicles , one for emergency and a separate lane for vehicles carrying heavy load . With a rise in pollution and other environment hazard , we should initiate eco-friendly mode of transportation like promoting walking and bicycle and e-sharing vehicles , we need to work towards eradicating limitless road repairing cost , bringing the system of digital ticket facilities , provide transport insurances to every passenger  , using advance technology and scientific invention  make better quality roads which are long lasting and make the country 100% renewable , all the vehicles to be run on solar energy.

Keywords: Transportation, economy, pollution, road accidents, solar energy, eco-friendly , separate lanes , construction of metros